I need for My people to come to the truth of the Kingdom and fullness of love. Know that when you pray with love, I will safe your nation. I will shake South Africa, My spirit is searching and I will raise My warriors up in places not expected, in people least known , the ones who know Me as Abba Father, and who love Me. Leave your religion and start loving your neighbor and I will restore you.
Jesus came and preached the Kingdom of the Father, LOVE is the most important aspect in the Kingdom. To have a personal relationship with the Father is important if we want to advance the Kingdom and also to know the battle is not against flesh and blood (even if it manifest in the flesh) but against spiritual principalities. Jesus gave us the authority He had when He went to be with the Father and gave us the Holy Spirit, access to this is within the Father. Many will come to be great warriors for the Kingdom, but most will not be behind a pulpit to preach, but instead mixing with the people, prophesying, healing and delivering people. Signs and wonders will follow those who LOVE the Father and trough that they will reconcile people back to God, true repentance to turn away from evil, not a beautiful prayer, but with the power of the Holy Spirit to turn around.