Prophetic word : 2017

For see I will do amazing things in 2017, I am to move like never before, I will pour My Spirit out, I will move over the earth, My wind will blow and he who spend time with Me will know the direction of My wind from where it comes and go.

Those who humble themselves will see My light, will see My salvation and they will be My beloved and will see miracles like never before, I will cause financial gates to open for those who know Me and that will do to others as it unto Me.

Be ready for as My fire will cause a multitude to turn to Me, My fire will burn, also see as the nation’s pick Me, My hand will be upon that nation, while these who do not choose Me will see no rains, repentance lays before those nations if they choose it.

There will be more events happening that will shake the world, also be not surprised from where the workers of My Kingdom will come from, for I choose those who are humble, meek , poor in Spirit and love Me above all things. Do not grow weary at what takes place in the world, know that the time is near to come for My bride, but not yet as My Kingdom and the truth needs to reach the ends or the world.

More oaks will be removed, and in their place strong trees, filled with My power and My glory will rest upon them who walks with Me.

In all areas I will bring My rule and reign for 2017 is a year of My grace, a time to prepare and to take My Kingdom over the earth.

Be ready children, be ready, open yourselves to My power and glory, be humble and trust only in Me and you will see Me, you will know Me.